January 2011 Lambda

Sunday Brunches were at Cody's, Toojay's, Sunset Grill, Farmer Boy and Jason's Deli. This last one was interesting in that the place was mobbed. We were 12. But in true Lambda spirit, we adjusted. Sat at different tables and some even decided to go over to Chili's.
Wednesday lunches occurred. Alas I missed those being a working stiff still. I know that one of their locations was Pete and Shorty's. I do manage to do the Mall walks on Thursday eves.
Our monthly meeting was supposed to be a poker night but everyone was having such a good time at the social hour that poker just kind of was pushed aside.
We also did one movie. Went to the Tampa Theater to see a free showing of Billy Elliot. Great movie and after dinner went to Village Inn for some pie. We sure seem to do a lot of eating.

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